Lions are the most social of all wild cats. Whether hunting or defending, lions are never alone. They like to work in small groups and use skill, strength, and speed to take down their opponents. In many cases, when the number of individuals is overwhelming, lions have to risk their fate as in the situation […]
“At a Blazing Speed of 200km/h, Cheetahs Close in on a Herd of 1000 Zebras Grazing in the Savanna.”
The cheetahs take risks by chasing a large herd of zebras. They can search, pursue, and capture a tiny, defenseless zebra. While driving the game in Pilanesberg National Park, field guide Jann-Rick Louw had a great encounter. He provided with his photos and story: “We know there is a mother leopard with cubs. In […]
“Driven to Fury by the Lion’s Persistent Pursuit, the Antelope Finally Strikes Back, Thrusting Its Horns into the Lion’s Throat.”
It was thought that this would be an amazing escape phase of the antelope, when suddenly a lion appeared out of nowhere. It was immediately attracted to the antelope enjoying a brief relaxation in the lake and approached. Antelope also saw lions, but seemed extremely confident about their hiding place. It made no move to […]
“Forgotten and Abandoned: A Helpless Dog Collapsed from Starvation, Covered in Flies, Eliciting a Heartbreaking and Horrifying Image.”
In a small corner of the street, a helpless dog lies on the ground, unable to move. It is covered in flies, and its ribs are visible through its thin fur. The dog has not eaten for days, and its eyes are filled with pain and despair. The passersby ignore the dog, some even step […]
“A Helpless Dog, Bound and Abandoned in the Bushes, Gazing Around for Aid with a Pitiful and Tragic Look.”
While it is true that many governments have promoted саmраіɡпѕ аɡаіпѕt indecent treatment of animals, that action has not been enough, as abuses continue and cases of indecency continue to occur. occurs , in which wіɩd dogs are seen daily begging for food or, as in this story, handcuffed and left to feпd for themselves. A few […]