1. Nariyana
Nariyana is from Yakutia. The girl emerged with a strange beauty due to albinism. Naryan goes to school like many other friends, but the only difference is that she can’t stay in the sun for too long and has to cover her eyes with sunglasses.
Nariyana became known as the “Snow Princess” after the photographer, Vadim Rufov posted her pictures on social media. Her angelic beauty quickly “cut the heart” of many people, giving her more opportunities to be invited to collaborate with many big brands as well as appear on magazine covers.

2. Millianna Worthy
Millianna Worthy was born with gray hairs in the middle of her head due to a rare genetic trait. She has an extremely rare genetic trait. The baby’s mother, Brianna Worthy, 23, from South Carolina, and her grandmother have similar unique hair. This is called hypochromia – a lack of melanin (or color) pigment in a person’s hair, eyebrows, eyelashes, or any other part of a person’s body.

3. Junior Cox-Noon
This amazing baby boy, named Junior Cox-Noon, was born at Brighton City Hospital weighing 4.5 kg. The boy’s image was spread around social networks because it was so funny and cute. Junior is especially known as the little bear due to his extremely rare, natural, thick hair that stands up.

4. Muin Bachonaev
Muin Bachonaev is a boy with the “biggest” eyelashes in Russia with a measured length of 3.5cm. When he was born, the whole hospital was excited about the boy. My hair is very long, my eyelashes fall all the way down to my cheeks. I said I didn’t pay attention to this feature, but because of it, when I went out on the street, everyone paid special attention to him. Muin is currently playing football at The Moscow academy “Spartak” and dreams of becoming a great football player.

5. Ava Clarke
Ava Clarke is an African-American girl with congenital albinism. With blonde hair, green eyes and lovely pink lips, this little girl has conquered the fashion world with a series of “fascinating” pictures appearing on the covers of a series of magazines named age like Vogue, Denim and VIP. According to the doctors’ diagnosis, Ava should have gone blind. But thanks to the efforts of her parents, she is still able to read books, dance ballet and even become an extremely “expensive” child model.

6. Giuliano Stroe
Giuliano Stroe is a Romanian bodybuilder. Giuliano Stroe started exercising at the age of 2. The boy’s parents dreamed of creating a child with superpowers. Giuliano is listed in the Guinness Book of World Records with several fitness records. The Italian boy once surprised the world with his “superhero” performance on television.

7. Jare Ijalana
A photographer from Nigeria named Mofe Bamuyiwa posted a photo of a 5-year-old girl named Jare and suddenly received a “storm of likes” from netizens. After that, Jare’s enchantingly beautiful appearance also helped her take home the title of “the most beautiful girl in the world”. Her special “black pearl” appearance made her famous everywhere, helping her earn a lot of money through modeling and photography.
However, Jare’s family has also faced a series of criticisms that it is exploiting child labor. But after all, Jare’s innocent, innocent and smiling image proves that she quite loves her job and the sad image in the art photos is just “playing the role”.

8. Con cái nhà Budhathoki
A family named Budhathoki in the mountains of Nepal is widely known because all members of the family have Werewolf Syndrome. The mother and her children both have an unusual amount of body hair. Devi Budhathoki and her 3 children Mandira, Niraj and Manjura are all born with Lanuginosa. It is a very rare disease that can be noticed from birth.

9. Chahat Kumar
A little girl named Chahat Kumar from India has been hungry since the day she was born. Only 8 months old, the baby weighs more than 17kg. However, because she couldn’t stop eating, she continued to gain weight with no signs of stopping. It is known that Chahat’s diet 4 times that of a child is the main reason for his oversized body. Her nude image surprised the media, calling her “the fattest girl in the world”.
Good news, Chahat’s family asked for the medical support of doctors, Indian media also helped call for the baby to be performed gastric bypass surgery but the results are still not much positive.