The river otter is a master of diving in the water, but when the water freezes, its power is almost nullified. On the other hand, they have to face many risks when leaving the river in search of food on land.
A pack of coyotes sniffed the footprints of two otters (a mother and her daughter) and followed with determination to butcher this unfamiliar prey. With a fairly fast running speed, about 64 km / h, it is not difficult for the wolves to catch up with swimmers in the water.

A wolf pup (C. lupus) eating a sea otter (Enhydra lutris) in Alaska.
The situation is becoming increasingly dangerous for the otter mother and child.
The wolf rushed to attack the daughter first, the mother otter risked her life to rescue the baby and attract the attention of the enemy to let the baby escape. However, that means it has to face all 3 hungry wolves and the danger is multiplied.
But the mother otter is very smart, it finds a way to both defend and attack, and run away at the same time. In the middle of the “empty field” full of white snow, it seemed that this effort was hopeless, but suddenly happened at the last minute.
It turned out that the mother otter had dug a shelter before and she used it to escape in this case. The wolves had to give up their prey and go in search of a new food source.