We love cat!
A man’s stroll near a cemetery is interrupted by the desperate cries for help from a group of young felines.
While walking with his son, an Englishman’s ear was caught by strange noises, similar to meowing. Without delay, he found a sibling of kittens abandoned to their sad fate and asked for help.

It was the English rapper from London , Professor Green ( Stephen Paul Manderson ), who made this original encounter during a family walk near a cemetery. Passionate about dogs, especially his own, Ethel , he is attentive to his surroundings and to the animal cause. In April 2023, according to PetHelpful , he was able to help a family of cats. Relayed on TikTok , the story aroused the sympathy and sensitivity of Internet users.
4 kittens found on alert
Hearing incessant meows, Stephen Paul Manderson knew he had to act. Near the boundary of the cemetery, he discovered the presence of 4 very young kittens. In an advanced state of panic, the kittens seemed to be screaming for help and were just waiting for help from a human. They had obviously been abandoned by unscrupulous owners, or had been born in the street to a wandering mother.
The situation was surprising: the kittens seemed to be left to their own devices, without a mother nearby. Sensing danger nearby, the rapper did not fail to share his anger on his social networks. He reminded his followers of the probable tragedy of the scene and in particular the risk of kittens finding themselves trapped by foxes, even if they only act in the event of direct aggression linked to the territory. Due to their very young age, the kittens run the risk of being attacked, of not eating enough or of being separated from each other.
New perspectives for these rescued kittens
When Professor Green approached the kittens, they immediately understood that they were safe and faced with a kind face. Docile, the kittens were able to be caressed and reassured by the Englishman and his son for several tens of minutes.
Although he was accompanied by his son, Stephen Paul Manderson was unable to take care of the rescue of the kittens himself. He therefore contacted a friend, living a few meters away, and asked for his help. Lee , the friend in question, arrived a few minutes later and provided transportation for the felines to his home.
On his Instagram account , the singer informed his followers of the situation. The tribe was now in good hands, ready to grow and discover the world in the best possible conditions. After a good bath and a generous portion of food, the kittens were able to discover their transitional home.
Despite a very difficult start to their lives, the outstretched hand of Stephen Paul Manderson allowed the kittens to discover the prospect of another, more peaceful tomorrow.