A kitten finds itself in a real pickle until amazing rescuers come to its aid.
A kitten later named Pickle was crying for help for two days, stuck beneath a mobile home’s foundation. He and his brother were completely out of reach. But then, a Reno, Nevada, nonprofit came to the rescue!
Reno’s “Feral at Heart” got a call from the woman living at the residence. She kept hearing the kitten’s mews but couldn’t find where they were coming from. At first, she thought the kitten would surely find a way out. But two days later, he was still in a pickle! And so was his tiny brother.
“The neighbor said it has been crying for two days,” shared Feral At Heart. “I told her if the kitten has been crying for two days, then it is stuck somewhere.”
Pickle after being rescued. Image via Instagram/Feral At Heart
Arriving on the scene, rescuer Jennifer had to work hard to tear down boards to get closer to the furbabies. The whole time, she was getting eaten alive by fleas but nothing would stop her!

Kitten caught in a real pickle beneath a mobile home for two days. Image via Facebook/Feral At Heart
This Kitten was Really Stuck in a Pickle!
After prying away the boards, the rescuers could finally reach the crawlspace under the mobile home. Inside, she discovered why the kitten was crying: he was in a real pickle, stuck in a sling of fibers swinging from the floorboards!
As Pickle cried, it made the wait for a pair of scissors unbearable. But soon, he was free, and he and his brother were safe at last.
How they Rescued Pickle
A TikTok explained it took an hour before the rescuers could find a way to get to the mewing kitten. Imagine what they must have thought after seeing the little guy attached to a piece of cording somehow. How lucky he was they wouldn’t stop until they got him out of there!?
“After an hour of trying to find a way to him, I pried off the sideboards where the cries were coming from,” wrote Feral At Heart.
After cutting the fibers away, we see the kitten safe and snuggly on a blanket. Later, fans online helped name him Pickle after the dangerous situation he and his brother were thankfully no longer in.

Next, we see Pickle with his cute brother. In an update, we see that both made it despite being stuck alone for so long.

“This sweet angel and his brother were taken to the SPCA of Northern Nevadathe next morning and placed into a foster home. They both did so good the night I had them, and I have no doubt that they will be survivors,” the rescuers shared.
Ongoing Rescue at the Mobile Home Park
Pickle and his brother were just two of a group of eight cats and kittens the rescuers saved that week. Four of them came from the mobile home park. Yet by September 2023, they had helped 104 cats living in a colony in the area of the park.

A kitten near a mobile home in the park where Pickle was rescued
Of that number, 38 were kittens, all trapped, removed from the location, fixed, and adopted out into homes.

Three adorable kittens saved from the same mobile home park in Reno, Nevada.
All the cats and kittens got help thanks to the kind people who donated to the rescuers. Meanwhile, the other cats were TNR’d (trap, neuter, return) and would no longer be creating kittens needing rescue from a pickle.
“To know that you’re helping them and really making a difference in their lives is the most amazing feeling,” said the rescue’s founder Rachel.
Two more kittens from the same mobile home park area.
You can follow and support Feral At Heart on Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok. Those in the Reno area can learn more about how to help or adopt on their website.